About Me

I am an instructor in Politics & International Affairs at Northern Arizona University (NAU).  The university is located in Flagstaff in Northern Arizona.  It’s a beautiful little mountain town that makes it so much easier to study and still get enough fresh air.

My research interests are rooted in International Relations theory and Genocide.  I am particularly interested in indigenous experiences during the settlement of the North American continent.

I am originally from Germany, where I have lived in literally every corner of the country.  During my childhood, I have experienced many political changes and struggles, which certainly have shaped my worldview and my interest in political science.  In 2004, a scholarship from the Federation of German American Clubs (VDAC) provided the funds to study abroad for one year at NAU.  This is where I experienced one of the greatest teachers in Political Science and decided that this is the program in which I want to earn my graduate degrees.

I received my PhD in Political Science in 2017.  Since then I have taught classes in Political Science and the Bachelor’s of University Studies program at NAU.